Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Things That Inspire Me

Haeckel was primarily a scientist, but his detailed studies remain some of the best ever made. If you like things with lots of flowers and organic lines, you'll like him.
I wish album art was still as consistently good as it used to be. Seriously, how could anyone not like this?
Moebius! Hands down, the best comic artist. He's also illustrated a lot of science fiction novels, including some Ray Bradbury.
The Suburban Lawns are my favorite band. Su Tissue is one cool lady and she has the best stage name next to Lux Interior.
Screen shot from Taxi Driver. Go watch it if you haven't seen it already. Also, Easy Iris has mad style.
I've always wondered what it was like to see Brian Eno live. Very unusual. I'm not surprised.
This picture of Bjork is from back in the 80's when she was in the Sugarcubes. I think she was pretty cool back then.
This is little Edie Beale as a child. She was related to Jackie O. There's a documentary about her and her mom called Grey Gardens. Highly recommended!
This is from the Baz Luhrmann rendition of Romeo and Juliet. I've always liked the way he made everything look so cool...and I used to be totally in love with Leonardo Decaprio.
This is Francoise Hardy. She's a french singer and I love her. She's aesthetically pleasing in every way.
This is out of a illustrated book called "In the Realms of the Unreal" by Henry Darger. He was a reclusive artist who's pieces weren't uncovered until after his death.
This is a page out of "The Adventures of Little Nemo in Slumberland", illustrated by Winsor McCay. I love his use of distorted shapes and color.
Wendy Bevan is one of my favorite photographers. She shoots primarily with polaroids and her work usually has a very muted, dreamy quality about it.