Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thus Far

All right, I know this image is small, but it's still a work in progress. Just thought I should post a screen shot before the final critique.

It's cephalopod currency! The word cephalopod comes from the Greek word cephalopoda meaning hands and feet.

I still need to incorporate some feet in these somewhere. The hands are on the back of each bill.

Also need seals and some other finishing touches.


  1. I really dig the visually coherent but wildly different theme between the bill images. I'm curious to know how you varied the colors on your template once you had it built. My attempts to recolor my templates didn't work out as well as I had hoped.

  2. Thanks! The way everything has come together so far hasn't been very organized on my part, so the color variations just happened bit by bit. I worked on each aspect of the bills at the same time, so I picked the basic background colors and then just chose each individual color as I saw fit. I just used the eyedropper tool to get the same colors on both sides.

  3. I like the squid and octopus on each bill and how the color is lighter than what's on the bill. These are very nice!

  4. I love them. I'm a little overstimulated by the brightness... but I like to be overstimulated so I love them. Seriously though I like how they all fit together like one piece even though they're meant to stand alone.
